Valuing Water

Valuing Water

If there is magic in this planet, it is contained in water... It's substance reaches everywhere; it touches the past & prepares the future: It moves under the poles and wanders thinly in the heights of the air. It can assume forms of exquisite perfection in a snowflake, or strip the living to a single shining bone cast up by the sea.

-Loren Eiseley, The Flow of the River



Bonnie Colby has been a resident faculty member at the University of Arizona since 1983 in the Departments of Agricultural & Resource Economics, Geography, and Hydrology.

Dr. Colby’s research, teaching, and outreach focus on economic tradeoffs in water and energy management, climate change adaptation, and incentive-based agreements to improve water supply reliability for agricultural, environmental, and urban needs. 

Esperero Canyon and Santa Catalina Mountains, Arizona. Ted Weinert

Esperero Canyon and Santa Catalina Mountains, Arizona. Ted Weinert

Dr. Colby's educational credentials include:

  • B.S., Agricultural Economics, University of California, Davis
  • M.S., Agricultural Economics, University of Wisconsin-Madison 
  • Ph.D., Agricultural Economics, University of Wisconsin-Madison


Colby has provided invited testimony in her areas of expertise to state legislatures, state and federal courts, and the U.S. Congress, and has taught at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government Executive Training Programs. She works with western states, federal agencies, private firms, water districts, and NGOs to develop and implement new strategies to improve water supply reliability and resolve conflicts over water. 

Dr. Colby has authored over one hundred journal articles and eight books, including Risk and Resilience: The Economics of Climate, Water, and Energy in the Arid Southwest; Water Markets in Theory and Practice; and Braving the Currents: Resolving Conflicts Over the Water of the American West.